Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another opening another show

So yesterday was the opening of "There's a Monster in My Closet." It went pretty well. Nothing to horrible. Except for one of my scenes which always seems to have a problem. Just one of those things.

More importantly it was Lexie's big theatrical debut!!! So I'm a big ol'crybaby now. Ever since I had Lex and combine that with me being pregnant (I feel like I'm always PREGNANT) I started to tear up. I held it together though. My Mom didn't she started crying when she saw him.

I think though this will be it for the whole acting thing for awhile. With yet another baby on the way, I gotta put my stuff to the side and focus on being a Mom. My time of being selfish is over. Maybe this will be good for me. Help me figure out what it is I want to do.

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